Source code for utils

Useful functions for creating encryption schemes.

# Explicit re-export of all functionalities, such that they can be imported properly. Following
# and
import platform
import sys
import warnings
from typing import Optional, TextIO, Type, Union

from .fixed_point import FixedPoint as FixedPoint
from .utils import lcm as lcm
from .utils import mod_inv as mod_inv
from .utils import pow_mod as pow_mod
from .utils import randprime as randprime

[docs]def custom_showwarning( # pylint: disable=useless-type-doc message: Union[Warning, str], category: Type[Warning], _filename: str, _lineno: int, file: Optional[TextIO] = None, _line: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """ Custom warning formatter and printer for python warnings. Prints category and message to output file, default stderr. :param message: Warning message, explaining the reason for the warning. :param category: Warning category. :param file: Optional location to write the warning to. If None we write to stderr. """ print(f"{category.__name__}: {message}", file=file if file else sys.stderr)
warnings.showwarning = custom_showwarning # type: ignore[assignment] try: import gmpy2 except ImportError: if platform.system() != "Windows": warnings.warn( "GMPY2 is not installed, however a significant performance improvement can be " "achieved by installing the GMPY2 library: " "'python -m pip install 'tno.mpc.encryption_schemes.utils[gmpy2]'", ) __version__ = "0.6.3"